Chevron Help!
3 years, 11 months ago by jayna_2
I’m noticing with my chevrons that the forward knots (on the left) are good. But when I do the backward knots (on the right) they look different. They’re almost smaller and then after a bunch of rows the sides start looking a little lopsided. Does anyone else notice this? I’ve been making bracelets for years and years and only recently started to have this problem. When I look at some of the first ones I did they look great. Does anyone have a theory for why they might be changing like that? Thanks in advance for any advice! |
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Jdog12525
I sometimes run into this problem. Backward knots are my favorite knots so I tend to knot those as much as I can. Because if this, my forward knots are not as good. This might be causing your issue: your forward knots look better possibly because you are more experienced with them and thus they turn out better than the backward knots. Maybe get some scrap thread and practice your backward knots until they look like your forward knots.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by onarts_
I had that problem too and what I did was change sides every few rows so if I had started with the forward knots and then done the backward knots for a row, in like three or four rows i'd change and do the backwards first. If your problem is clearly with backwards maybe always start with those, idk why but for me that made them better since i also struggled with them.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Lou_22
@jayna_2 yes, that’s a common problem for beginners but if you simply find a bit of string and tape it down, practicing your knows like suggested below, really helps!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Lou_22
Find a bundle of string and tape it down, grab one of the strings and continuously make forward knots and backward knots over and over again. You’ll make a cute bracelet and practice your knots!
3 years, 11 months ago by Orangutan9
There are 4 types of knots: 👍 Forward 👍 Backward 👍 Forward-Backward 👍 Backward-forward 👍 For Chevron you do Forward knots halfway and Backward knots the other half way. If you need help with this just go on YouTube. Search for the 4 types of knots and how to do a Chevron. I hope this helps
3 years, 11 months ago by Minnie11
I had this to, and my sister told me that it was probibly because i was pulling my knots too tight on one side and lose on the order side. I think she called it different knot tenshion. (:
3 years, 11 months ago by Minnie11
3 years, 11 months ago by cole_62489
agreed it could be your knotti g tension. renember u dont have to knot so tight. its what ive been learning as i go.