Best Brand Of Embroidery Floss
3 years, 11 months ago by Sabrina_N
Hi! I just have a quick question. What is the best brand of embroidery floss to use for bracelets?
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Samanada
Lots of people say DMC is the best, but it depends. DMC is shinier than most brands (Perle cotton is even shinier than embroidery thread!), but can get very expensive. Loops and Threads is available in bulk, which is useful for friendship bracelets, but isn’t as shiny. It’s also a lot cheaper. Some brands (like Friendship Thread from Walmart) are cheap but very poor quality and will break easily.
3 years, 11 months ago by livife0816
I almost exclusively use DMC, but I have ventured into using some prism that I was given, and I bought myself some Pllieay, and so far, I love it! Prism does snap if you tie tightly, so I don't recommend it if you do. Pllieay is great as it is shiny and holds up well. I still prefer DMC, but the cost is a bit high, especially if you are a beginner.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by isabellew7
I like artiste! It’s the hobby lobby brand I think ? They make normal embroidery thread and craft thread ((:
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by LunarXD
DMC and loops and threads at michels
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by fuzzydogs8
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by mia_queen
i have always been adventurous with the types of thread i use when making bracelets. I mostly use DMC but it is shiner than other brands. So it kind of depends on what you want but that is just me. hope this helps 😜
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Lou_22
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Doxie13
3 years, 11 months ago by sarah916
dmc is pretty great, i mostly end up using the cotton pearl, which isn't exactly floss but it works really well for me. another brand that i used when i started making bracelets was loops and threads from Michaels, but i think that it frays really easy , so i don't really enjoy using that, so those are the best! the best color changing floss is from DMC but i also tried the Prism ones and that one works, but its kinda meh for me because it snaps often if you tie your knots tightly so it sucks bc i have to continuously replace it.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by LunarXD
Honestly....... Nobody make fun of me......... I say yarn (Alize) because its easier to use and you get a LOT of it....... But if you want embroidery floss I say DMC or Anchor.....
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by danielle_3
i prefer DMC over other brands because it is shinier looking which i like in my bracelets. loops and threads is also a good brand and it isn’t as shiny but it’s still pretty good quoting considering that you get 36 threads in one pack. DMC is more expensive and it only comes in individual skeins. there’s also lots of embroidery floss brands on amazon that you can buy in bulk and those are usually pretty good quality
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by danielle_3
*quality not quoting
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by simpleknot
DMC works great!
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by lucass_
pfffttt @sarah916 ur pfp. i personally like jp coats. the DMC skiens don’t have as much.
3 years, 10 months ago by maya3456
DMC or Loops and Threads. Loops and Threads is more affordable and has pretty colours but comes in packages. DMC colours you can get individual and pick out colours that way but it is pricier. I use both equally and get them both at Michaels
3 years, 10 months ago by obieegg
One that I use that I haven’t seen a lot of people say is la paon not sure if I spelled that right but I like it because it comes in big packs of gradients and similar colors
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by Bracefacer
For me the best brands are DMC (These fray easily, but I still love them)Loops and Threads ( Their craft cord brakes way too easily if your knots are tight,but DMC and every other brand has broken whenever I tie knots),and prism ( I’ve never had any problems with the brand,but I also haven’t used it for as long).These are my top three brands.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by blahblah11
It depends on what you prefer, I personally use DMC, loops and threads, and random Amazon brands the most.
3 years, 9 months ago by ThreadMade
Hi! I love using Amazon thread, it’s affordable, great range of colors and gets the job done. I also use DMC and other random brands that I find along the way. I like using different Amazon brands since they’re really silky and if you make any sort of mistake you don’t need to worry about the cost of thread. Each skein on Amazon is around 7-12 cents (USA) so it’s a really good price. Hope this helps! 💕