Any bracelet sellers that don’t have an online shop yet?
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by Paris113
So I’m still in school and don’t have an Etsy but just started selling bracelets to kids in my class, any tips on selling in-person with limited contact?
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by niqerzo
Sometimes I go deliver bracelets or wall hangings to people who buy from me. What I do is package the product nicely in one of those yellow envelopes (not the huge ones, but just slightly bigger than a standard envelope). I may even write a thank you letter and add some stickers or an extra bracelet (if it was a big, expensive wall hanging), and seal the envelope.

Then I'd either get them to e-transfer the money to me, but if not, all you can do take cash, so just wash your hands and be careful lol ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by Braceletlo
so i sell on instagram and i just write the name if its the people i know but if not i write the number of house and all that and i also write thank you card and put all braceltes and scrunchies i made into that