Getting challenges noticed!
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by Night_Owl
Hey, so I recently created my first challenge and I thought I would add this topic so that people can share any tips on getting people to join challenges. Whilst I was scrolling through the different challenges, I noticed there were a few that had had no one join and i reckoned having this little collection of advice might help 😊! Also if you want to try and promote your challenge a bit more just leave a comment under this topic telling people what the name of your challenge is and mabye add a link if you want. So, my first little trick would be to go through past competitions. That way you can see which people are most active in the challenges section and therefore, who is most likely to join your challenge. What I did with my Harry Potter challenge was to look through previous Harry Potter challenges because it's a very specific subject and only certain people will be interested in it. As I was doing this, I wrote down any usernames of who I thought might be interested. Then, go onto your competition and tag everyone you found and just say that you think they might be interested. Now obviously not everyone will want to join but I definetely found that it helped alot more people join my challenge! If you have any other questions about getting people to join your challenges, just leave a comment on this topic and someone should be able to help 😜
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by CakeCup
THe only problem with that solution is that people generally get a bit annoyed when people tag them out of the blue and for no aperant reason. This is why if you want to advertie in chat, DO NOT EVER TAG THE PEOPLE WHO ARE IN IT! Ik that it makes other people annoyed, and i makes me annoyed. So please, i am beggin you, do not do that. Also, you can advertise in chat. Just like i said previously, do not tag the people in chat. Also, do not spam your challenge every 30 mins. That gets repetitive and annoing. Maybe 2-3 times a day would be best.

I hope these help! 👍
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by escobpen00
I've seen some challenges were after a while the person hosting the challenge writes does anyone want to join😞? I find that slightly annoying because they are being impatient (sorry if I spelled that wrong). So don't put that.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Deuken
The biggest problem with some hosts is that they don't have consistent communication with those participating. Many of them never reply back so that's why I don't really do challenges anymore. 🙁