How to keep bracelet rows straight? And other random tips.
4 years ago by j_peg
I have been noticing with some of the alphas I have been working on recently that the farther I get down a bracelet, that it tends to start bending over to one side. I use a clipboard to hold down my bracelet and use the straight edges technique; anything else I need to know to keep my bracelets straight? Thank you!

P.S, If you have any Miscellaneous tips, feel free to share them here too (I have heard people make knots tighter and others say make them looser so which is better?)
Bracelet King
4 years ago by ColetteC
I saw someone take like a ruler or something flat and straight and they push up on the knots every like two rows and try to straighten them horizontally. It might work best if the knots are a little bit loser so they are easier to move
Bracelet King
4 years ago by ColetteC
hope that helps!
4 years ago by OwObama
I adjust my bracelets a LOT when I make them, as in like... unfastening the binder clip that holds it and moving it closer to where i'm knotting. it keeps the bracelet from wiggling. I also use the ruler trick, like they mentioned ^^
Bracelet King
4 years ago by ellie_15
I'd also recommend the ruler trick and also make sure that your strings are all the same thickness so the knots are all the same size
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Someone_
It could be bending to one side for numerous of reasons, like your knots on that side may be pulled tighter than the other side, or when you are making the knot you are pulling the leading string in the direction that it is bending. It mainly comes down to ensuring that your tension is even throughout.

I tend to use my fingernail to push the knots up to the previous row as possible, so they sit firmly underneath. I also find that when knotting, if I hold the base string straight down, and pull the leaidng string straight up (like a clock, with the 12 and 6 positions) it produces much straighter results. I like to also use tape as I go along, so the bracelet doesn't wriggle the farther I am going down.

As for whether tight or loose knots are best, there's not a right answer there really. I know some people who make loose knots and have amazing results, I also know people who make tight knots and their results are equally as amazing. Personally, what works for me is making my background knots loose(ish) and the pattern knots tighter. It just comes down to finding which works for you.
4 years ago by j_peg
Thank you all of you who have sent help! I really appreciate all the advice 🙂