what size yarn/crochet thread is equal to dmc?
4 years ago by corrona
Basically I wanted to get some yarn or crochet thread for some of my bracelets (similar to the ones masha uses) but I don’t know how the sizing or anything works. Does anyone know what sizes of thread are the closest to the size of dmc thread? (If it’s different for different brands/types then please specify all the ones you know because I legit know nothing about this 😂)
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Someone_
For Crochet Thread size 5 is the best size to use, its very combinable in bracelets when mixing with embroidery floss because its pretty much the same size. And I have no issues when doing so, even in Alpha's!You mentioned DMC, they have their own Crochet Thread which goes by the name of 'DMC Petra', itsk very good quality. Size 5 of that is the same thickness as both their embroidery floss and their perle cotton. |
4 years ago by corrona
@Someone_ thank you so much 😊
Bracelet King
4 years ago by LunarXD
DMC embroidery floss or Petra because they have all types of string
Bracelet King
4 years ago by eden_s2006
@corrona At Michael’s near me I have found the a yarn weight of 2 is a good size too. It is labeled as fine. It is also a cheaper alternative.