black string?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by madknots
any recommendations for black string i went to michael’s and only found white loops and threads string?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Someone_
Most (or all) brands will have black thread, maybe they were just out of stock? You could go on Amazon, and you will find you can get a pack both full of white and black threads and they're pretty decently priced too! 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by madknots
@Someone_ most of my string is loops and threads but the problem is that the strings may make different size knots
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Someone_
I'm not really sure on what the thread for Loops and Threads is like, honestly... But if its similar to DMC you could use that and there shouldn't be a difference in the size of knots. If its a little thicker than DMC and more softer, then it'd match with Pllieay pretty well. Normally with embroidery floss there is always a good substitute that matches with it well. 🙂
4 years ago by kylieuwu
Maybe try a different Michael’s? My Michael’s only sell packs of loops and threads and I usually use dmc for my bracelets
4 years ago by livife0816
If you need more black for loops and threads and use craft cord, DMC's cotton Perle is a great alternative. It is similar in texture and size if you are worried about the size. Unless you are doing alphas, the size doesn't really matter unless the difference is several thread sizes. 🙂