bracelet making
4 years, 1 month ago by sloth2021
why do my bracelet have gap 🙁
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by danielle_3
hi @sloth2021 there are a few things that could be causing this. you could be missing knots on your bracelet or maybe you are making your knots too loose and it's causing gaps in your bracelets. also it depends on what kind of pattern you're making. if it's just a chevron or candy stripe then it's probably what i already mentioned. if the pattern is a regular normal or alpha pattern then you probably just need to tighten your knots. eventually your bracelets will start to look better if you keep playing around with how tight and loose your knots are!
4 years, 1 month ago by sloth2021
Thank you so much This was very helpful full. I will start to play around with my bracelet. 👍 👍 🙂 😊