How do u sell bracelets? page 2
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by loginemty
Neither does mine @aprow402
10 years, 7 months ago by riley13
If you have a bunch lying around the house open up a little
10 years, 7 months ago by riley13
Bracelet stand in ur neighborhood !!
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by lyra2245
If you're having a yard sale or garage sale sell some bracelets too! People will be more interested because there's more variety.
10 years, 6 months ago by Riviera
I have a storenvy which is nice because there are no fees, but it doesn't have the same reputation and market for handmade items so I haven't had a ton of success. I take commissions for alphas too (mostly from friends) and that works well.
10 years, 6 months ago by Suzi299
You can use Instagram and tell the follower to talk to you direct or tell them your number and talk to you
10 years, 5 months ago by Nerdsy
I have bids on iMessage 🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 5 months ago by aprow402
@Nerdsy: how?
Bracelet King
10 years, 4 months ago by Fliparz
I've opened my etsy shop for at least 1 month now and I've got 0 sales. Any ideas?
10 years, 4 months ago by mreadey
In order to advertise my etsy store more, I started a giveaway/bracelet swap via tumblr. I give promo codes to my partners so they have added incentive to purchase items.
10 years, 4 months ago by mreadey
Another thing about etsy is patience. I've sold an average of one item a month since i opened. You might want to try linking your items to as much social media as possible (tumblr, twitter, pinterest, etc) and learning about popular/relevant tags
10 years, 2 months ago by Rooky
At my school we can't sell anything to someone else
Bracelet King
10 years, 2 months ago by moonchild
most people use etsy or storenvy but i think its silly because you always have to pay a percentage to someone. I say stick to selling in real life. i sell my bracelets at camping because there's lots of like hippy type peolpe there who want them lol! o if you have loooooooads of braletes you could get a stall in town or something, but if oyu are going to pay for a stall licence, you need to make sure you have at least 200 braclets to make it look impressive enough for people to come over! i also have a bracelet account on instagram (olive_magicfingers plz follow!!) to promote myself and sometimes people dm me and buy from there!!! 🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 2 months ago by moonchild
most people use etsy or storenvy but i think its silly because you always have to pay a percentage to someone. I say stick to selling in real life. i sell my bracelets at camping because there's lots of like hippy type peolpe there who want them lol! o if you have loooooooads of braletes you could get a stall in town or something, but if oyu are going to pay for a stall licence, you need to make sure you have at least 200 braclets to make it look impressive enough for people to come over! i also have a bracelet account on instagram (olive_magicfingers plz follow!!) to promote myself and sometimes people dm me and buy from there!!! 🙂
10 years, 1 month ago by OwlBcrafty
It depends where you want to sell them if you want to sell them on etsy take good quality photos of your arm with the bracelet you are selling on it, and use that. If u are going to sell them at a yard sale or store (something like that) try displaying them nicely on a bracelet holder/displayer maybe get a small presentation board and list options prices and about them(care, how their made etc.)
Bracelet King
9 years, 8 months ago by impersonat
I was originally making bracelets for myself, and people began to ask me for them! It feels really good to give bracelets away, but only give them to people you really care about!
9 years, 3 months ago by cheezette
Here are some things to think about if you want to sell your bracelets:

~Design; I'm trying to have as much variety with my design as possible. you don't want to make 20 candy stripe bracelets, and turns out that your customer's 6 year old niece can make them. and they look so much better than yours. I have about 14 different designs in all different colors.

~Customization is a great thin to mention in your Advertising. if a customer likes the design but hates the color. mention that you can make them into custom designs. or in colors of their choice. speaking of which....

~Material Cost; how many strings are you using? 8 strings? 10 strings? How many colors? if your colors are all priced the same, great! but if your strings are $1.00 for a tiny skein, then charge your designs a teensy bit more.

~Time; How long does it take you to make one inch of your bracelet? How much for the whole bracelet from start to finish? If your selling different designs, time yourself on how long you take on every design. Your. Time. Is. Money. Keep that in mind when pricing your bracelets.

~Pricing; Again, your time is money! if you spend 5 weeks making 1 bracelet; don't price them $1.00 apiece. However don't overprice them either. I used to price them $6.50 for a candy stripe design (for example) and more complex designs close to $9.00. and no one bought them... Now, I price them between $2.00 and $5.00. and they sell great! (my dad thinks i'm too cheep, but he's my dad, and he loves me)

~Location; I normally sell mine though word of mouth, or at school. But if your school/work space doesn't work, try a local craft shows or farmers markets. in your booth, it really helps if you have your own business cards with your phone number/email address (if you have either) It'll; a) make you look like you know what your doing, and b) have customers a great way to contact you for customization.
I don't have an etsy account, so I cannot help you with selling online....
But i hope this information helps!!!!
9 years, 3 months ago by lac430
I sell mine by social media and by word of mouth usually.
8 years, 7 months ago by LuckyJinks
I use Etsy! Depending on what you sell, people go crazy for them. I have a lot of themed text bracelets, or bracelets with charms added. I also sell at craft shows a lot! Social media is great too. The more you post, the more stuff there is for people to see!
6 years ago by katieh
Try Etsy, instagram and maybe craft shows