How to embroider bracelets?
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Marieke123
Hey! Is there anybody who can explain how to embroider bracelets, keychains, ...? Or do you even know a good tutorial/ YouTube video? 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Lizzie_Ann
I think of you look up any tutorial on embroider, it would work but I’m sure exactly what your talking about , so if you specify what you want I might be able to help better
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Marieke123
@Lizzie_Ann I´m sorry if I wasn´t clear enough. I know some embroder techniques, but I´m not sure how to get them on the bracelet. So if I would do a flower for example. I know how to do it on simple fabric, but how on bracelets (especially with the knots). Do I simply pierce the knots with the needle?
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Lizzie_Ann
Are you taking about alphas? Because making alphas isn’t embroidery, it’s knitting. If your looking for a tutorial on how to make an alpha, Masha Knots has a great tutorial called “Flat Alphas”
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Diana2509
@Marieke123 I think I know what you mean. Like making stitches onto the finished bracelet. If so, I think you should jus
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Diana2509
T pierce the knots. I have never tried it, but I am sure it will look great! Also, if it is too hard, you should probably just make the design into a pattern and make an alpha like that. Idk. Sorry if I didn't answer your question!
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by 2006_Mandy
@Lizzie_Ann no embrodiring on bracelets is the same as what embroidery on fabric looks like it’s just done on bracelets. It’s not an alpha pattern in specific embroidery is another craft. You make the alpha or normal bracelet or whatever it is and then use a needle and thread to see on a shape or design. Also to @Marieke123 I recommend that you start by trying your design on fabric before so you know what you are doings and then emobroider a plain one colour alpha to start until you get the hang of it.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Lizzie_Ann
@2006_Mandy I wasn’ t talking about that. The wya she was talking about it, it sounded like she was trying to make an alpha. And I know what embroidery is, I do it all the time.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Lizzie_Ann
@Marieke123 I think I understand what your saying. Like if you would want to do a lazy daisy On a bracelet it would probably work fine. I would just try to do it in between the knots so it’s easier to pierce the bracelet. Sorry I didn’t get what you meant😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Marieke123
Sorry everyone! My question was definitely too unclear! I will improve it with other topics 😉
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Marieke123
@Lizzie_Ann No problem and thanks anyway for helping me even if my question was too unclear! To try to embroider between the knots it´s really logical. I´ll definetely try that. Thanks 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Marieke123
@Diana2509 Thanks! That was exactly what I mean, I´ll try it out
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Marieke123
@2006_Mandy Thank you! That is a great tip. I´ll try it on fabric first and then on the bracelet