Alphas problem
4 years, 5 months ago by FuwuSpirit
Hi ! Ive just finished my 3rd alpha, and I have two problems :
First, even tho im using the straight edge technic my edges aint... really straight... And I don't know why
Second, my alpha makes a huge curve from the start to the end and again I cant figure out why...
I would like to share some photos to show whats happenning but I dont really know how to post pictures in the forum, is it possible ?
4 years, 5 months ago by FuwuSpirit
Also ! I forgot to mention that all my alphas are elongated for some reasons
4 years, 5 months ago by FuwuSpirit
Im in hints... I think that was not the place to ask that, I'll redo it in alphas problem, my bad !
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by srhamy28
knot tension!!! the curve in your bracelets comes from uneven knot tension throughout the bracelet, and the pattern looks "elongated" because u arent positioning the knots correctly. the knot structure of alphas is very different from normal patterns, so here are a few tips. the first half of your knot is the most important, because it positions the knot. try to make it as close to the previous row as possible (it doesnt necessarily have to be tight). and when making the second half of your knot, make sure that the first half stays in the position in needs to be, so that the knot is where it needs to be. again, it doesnt have to be tight. the second half secures the knot, and it will do that job tight or loose. that is basically what you need to do to position the knots correctly (keep your bracelets from being "elongated"). to keep your bracelets from curving, just make sure that you have even knot tension throughout (that you arent tightening any knots more that any other). overall, practice! even with this explanation, you wont get everything right on the first try. it takes practice to get the hang of these things, so just work at it. hope this helps.

btw, I didn't address your edges not being straight because I'm not sure exactly what you mean. if you are making only forward backward and backward forward knots on the edge strings, your edges should be straight. I would guess you arent doing the technique correctly, because I can't think of another way that it wouldn't work. masha knots has a few videos explaining it, including her flat alpha video, and the alpha tips and tricks video. or if you are more of a visual person, claire wears spam on instagram has a post that shows what the knot structure of a pattern would look like with the straight edges technique. you can find it in her techniques story highlight. also, keep in mind, this the straight edges technique, not the straight bracelet technique. hope this helps.

feel free to message me if you need any more help with anything. either tag me in a forum response, message me directly on braceletbook, or message me on insta. my instagram is: madeto_inspire__
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by srhamy28
about the photos.. you can't attach photos to a forum post, but you can put them on braceletbook and they will be on your account. just find the pattern that corresponds with the bracelet, and add the photo. there is a "add photo" button in the top right of each pattern, so just attach it there and submit. it will take a little while for it to get reviewed, but I will make it so other people can see your bracelets, or your problems if you need help. hope this helps.
4 years, 5 months ago by FuwuSpirit
Thank you very much for your message !!