Give my some tips for life! (just assume i know nothing) doesnt need to be about bracelets!
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by xKNOTTEDx
(just assume i know nothing) doesn't need to be about bracelets!
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by amazingme
-Don't fall for the first person that's nice to you. You deserve way better than that
-Do NOT let anyone define beauty for you. You are beautiful regardless your body type, skin tone, hair color, etc.
-Learn. Life is all about mistakes and problems, and if you don't learn, you'll be stuck in wet cement
-High school is overrated. It's nothing like that movies.
-Have limits and understand what no means. If someone says no, then back off. And if you say no, make sure they understand
-Rules are fine if they're fair. Otherwise, push at it.
4 years, 5 months ago by bunny9
Remember who you are when you’re by yourself and stay true to that self when you’re with others.
Don’t rush into love
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by lucypotato
Just be chill basically, do stuff you enjoy, don’t worry about being popular, what you look like, etc. also with bracelets just tie your knots tighter
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by rubisaa11
Don't care too much about what other people do and think. Understand yourself and what your morals are. Once you learn to laugh off other people's stupidity, you will be happier 😊
4 years, 5 months ago by Gitty08
If u want something bad enough go for it never let someone say u can't do it
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by ks_wizard
Do what you love and you don’t need for others to like you. As long as you love yourself that’s all that matters ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Sweetsweet
Don't worry about the future. It's cliche I know but It helps me if I think about it like this: I'm in the present. I can change the future with whatever I want to do <3
4 years, 5 months ago by sockkat
As soon as you start working, start saving. Put at least 10% into a savings account that you can't touch with your bank card. If possible go for 20% - half for retirement, half for emergencies or big purchases (like the down payment on a house, a car, new roof, etc.).
4 years, 5 months ago by oliviaholt
Everything is much better if you love yourself
If you are a Christian, read your bible everyday, it helps grow your relationship with God
Try to make friends
and thats al i got 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by stewon6969
Make every single day of your life worth it! Push yourself to the limits each and every day no matter the challenges that stand in your way! You can do anything that you put your mind to! you only have a limited amount of time on this Earth, So make it COUNT!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Maky_Wacky
Be confident in yourself. I struggle with it it a lot still, but I’m working on it.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by eva-seria
Don’t let people tell you that someone has the right to treat you badly because they had a bad past and they can’t help it. That explains their behavior, but it doesn’t justify their actions. It doesn’t give them the right to treat people badly and expect other people to just take it.

If you tell them that what they did was unacceptable, and they repeatedly don’t acknowledge they were wrong or change their behavior, then you don’t need them in your life. It’s not being mean, it’s setting healthy boundaries. It’s not your job to fix them.
4 years ago by itsknots
Go straight though school to get your Degree and then you can get a job that you enjoy. Don’t listen to the people that call you a nerd, or the popular kids who thinks your trash, once you get a amazing job, they would be jealous, ( and you can tell them “ I told you so” all smug.) have kids and a happy lifestyle.
4 years ago by hoopla23
Take care of yourself! Your mental and physical health comes first before anything! There are such things as "Mental Health Days"! Take a break and just pace yourself!
4 years ago by sonukc2504
If things are not in your hand, just let go....never over think about it because you know how hard you try, you can't change it.
4 years ago by Bailee536
-Focus on commitment, not motivation
4 years ago by Bailee536
-Seek knowledge, not results
4 years ago by kylieuwu
Don’t be afraid to stand your ground in life whether it be needing respect from someone, being bullied, or anything else. You have the right to be you in peace
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Elise64
Remember that everyone makes mistakes and almost everyone will get in at least a little bit of trouble with their parents or in school so don’t feel guilty. Listen to NF LOL (I’m addicted to him I need help HELP MEEEE 🥺😂) I saw this quote on a community post from Dhar Mann on YouTube (also watch dhar mann too lol) “if I’m fat I eat too much. If I’m skinny I don’t eat enough. If I’m poor my clothes are dirty. If I’m rich my clothes are too nice. No matter what you do in life someone will judge you, so just do what makes you happy” I don’t think it was the exact quote but you get the point 😂 use that if you ever get bullied, there are literally over 8 BILLION PEOPLE in the world so there is no way they are all going to be nice to you so just ignore them. Idk what it feels like to get bullied so Idk if you feel better by what I say but if you don’t, tell a teacher or a counselor or your parents or friends. If a “friend” is just like “it’s not that bad get over it” and doesn’t try to make you feel better then they aren’t your friend, you can do better.