Alpha help
Bracelet King
10 years, 5 months ago by irocks321
Let's say I am doing pattern 15189. I know that I have to have 10 strings total, but how do i know how many black strings, how many orange, and how many yellow strings to have?
Bracelet King
10 years, 5 months ago by blueisbest
The number of strings isn't entirely accurate. There are 9 base strings that you knot across. These can be any color as they won't be used as a part of the pattern. You will then have one black, one yellow, and one orange string. These strings hang behind the bracelet when not in use. It can be difficult to predict how long these strings should be. I usually use a whole skein and then just cut when I am done. You should definitely check the tutorial section to learn how to make alphas and there are great videos on Youtube.