ask me any questions and I will answer
4 years, 5 months ago by EmilieBeix
Anyone need help feel free to ask judge free zone
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by chkntaters
Not really a help question but what's your favourite pattern?
4 years, 5 months ago by EmilieBeix
@chkntaters I really like 18 or just some alpha patterns that relate to things or people that I know
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by knot2shaby
How do I add a new color to a alpha bracelet? 😊
4 years, 5 months ago by EmilieBeix
so what I do when I want to add in a new color is that I take a strand of the string of the color I want to add in and tape it to my surface or next to the top of the bracelet then you take the string under all of your base colors and then over the string you were just using as your color you want to switch out if that makes any sense you can also watch a youtube video because there are visuals and that helped me a lot because sometimes I can be not so good at explaining things but once you get the hang of it you will think that it is easy and even maybe fun so I hope that that helped a little if not I suggest youtube or if anyone else on here reads this then they can do there version of explaining it. ok well that it.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Top_Xoxo
@smabri@EmilieBeix My friend has a problem with alpha bracelet How to make triangular end with 21 thread? |
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by Top_Xoxo
4 years, 5 months ago by madeleine_
@Top_Xoxo @sambri Split the threads into two groups of 10, with 1 thread in between the groups. Do a forward (or bf) knot onto the left group of 10, then a forward knot onto the middle string, then an fb knot onto the right group of string. Now take one string out of each group, so that you have a group of 9 strings on the left, 3 separate strings in the middle, and a group of 9 strings on the right. Do an fb knot onto the right group of 9, then a forward knot onto each of the 3 individual strings in the middle, then a bf knot onto the left group of 9. Keep going like that, bringing out one string from each group with every row you do. If you want to see a visual explanation, Masha Knots on YouTube has a tutorial on it called “triangle ends for alphas”
4 years, 5 months ago by sroberts03
Two questions! 1. How do I keep my bracelets flat!? The sides curl to the center and the ends start to curl toward eachother too, like before I’m even done making the bracelet. 2. Is there a way to prevent bracelets from looking “fuzzy”? Like after wearing a bracelet once it already starts to look fuzzy. (Hopefully you know what I mean by fuzzy lol) Only some of the bracelets I’ve made do it right after the first time it’s worn, some of them it’s after wearing it for days/weeks, and some of them I haven’t noticed do it at all. Could it be the brand of string? If so can someone tell me what brand wont do that!? (Sorry that was like a bunch of questions) |
4 years, 5 months ago by EmilieBeix
@stoverts03 maybe to get your bracelets flat you could after each row kinda flatten it out and not pull the knots as tight but still tight so that it doesn’t look like there are a bunch of gaps.
4 years, 5 months ago by EmilieBeix
@sroberts03 I just use string off amazon and hobby lobby but I don’t know by it is fuzzy I hope that answered your questions
4 years, 5 months ago by madeleine_
@sroberts03 I use DMC and Loops & Threads and my bracelets have never really been fuzzy, but I also don’t wear them so that might be part of it. I’ve never tried this, but I heard you can use a regular razor to sort of shave off some of the fuzz
4 years, 5 months ago by thebookdev
Buttons!! I've just lucked out and won an ebay auction of like 100+ random buttons and I'm excited for them to arrive (something I never thought I'd say). What's the best way to use buttons to fasten your bracelets? On of the very first chevrons I did I missed a row of four of the middle knots and so got a button sized hole. Would that be suitable? I haven't cracked doing the loop start yet mainly because I tend to use two threads for each one that the pattern requires because I'm using up some cheaper thread that I got. Can you do the loop with 16 threads on an 8 thread pattern? Also, has anyone used wooden buttons? I've seen some plain wooden buttons on amazon for quite cheap and I was thinking about getting them and painting them for those days I don't have the perfect button to go with my colour picks. Sorry for all the questions. TIA x |
4 years, 5 months ago by madeleine_
@thebookdev I don’t know anything about using buttons in bracelets, but to make a loop for a pattern with 8 strings, you should cut four strings that are all double the length that you’d normally want your strings to be
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by behappy8
what is the perfect bracelet in your opinion to do my first teardrop loop and triangle end with
4 years, 5 months ago by madeleine_
@behappy8 Anything chevron-based would be good for that. #47172, #47085, #47028, #47027, and #45668 are some examples, but you can search the keyword “chevron” to find one you really like
4 years, 5 months ago by KoolKnots
What are the many ways to end or knot up a bracelet when you are done doing/making it and where would I find how to do them?
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by aashini
What are your favourite colour combos for bracelets?
4 years, 5 months ago by madeleine_
@KoolKnots Masha Knots has a YouTube playlist called “Start & Finish” that has tutorials on different ways to begin and and bracelets. Pattern and craft also has a YouTube tutorial on different types of ties called “7 Different Friendship Bracelet Ties”
4 years, 5 months ago by madeleine_
@aaahini Black, white and teal is one of my favorites. I also really like blues and purples combined with black or white