large gaps in bracelets.
4 years, 6 months ago by cewdewd
Hello. I’m having a problem where I’m tying knots as tight as I can but there are still large gaps. When I begin the knot I tie it tight enough that there is no gap but once I get in that second tie their are ginormous gaps and they are beginning to warp my bracelet. If anyone has any tips to help eliminate the gaps that would be wonderful.
4 years, 6 months ago by ki1iara
When you pull the knot tight, are you holding the base string straight toward you and only pulling the knotting string up? Or are you pulling them both outward at the same time like you were tying a bow? If doing it outward, that's a surefire way to get that gaping. Hold the base string toward you while only moving and then tightening with the lead string.
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Miante13
I noticed that in order to avoid the gaps you need to make the first half of the knot really tight. For example, when doing a forward-backward knot, you have 2 parts. First pull tight the forward half. Then the backward half doesn't need to be that tight, but you can make it tighter. Be careful not to snap the strings. It never hapend to me but I hear if you pull a knot to tight this might happen. I hope this makes sense and it helps!
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by annadf
Definitely don’t pull the knots as tight as you can because that actually makes more open space. The goal is to have even, full knots, so when you are making your knots make sure you leave them just loose enough to look full. The first half should be snug but not too tight, and the second half of the knot should be a bit looser. It comes with practice but holding the strings loosely and upwards will help keep the knot from developing open space while you’re making it!
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by el526320
My biggest tip is to take time and figure out the best knot tension for you. Pulling your strings super tight might cause the thread to break and lead to other problems. For the issues about holes in your bracelet, maybe try putting your strings closer together when you begin. You also might want to make sure you are pulling close to the knot. To do this you go to the top of the string and knot. I find that helps keep my bracelets "un-holy". Good luck!!
4 years, 6 months ago by cewdewd
Thank you everyone. I have read your tips and it seems to have helped majorly.