Why is my bracelet curling?
4 years, 6 months ago by Jessie2206
I just started making bracelets and they are curling upward. Are they supposed to do that or am I doing something wrong?
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Meghan_J24
I have had this problem a lot. I found that I was knotting tighter on one side than the other but some patterns just do this and it is very annoying. I solve that problem by securing them down a few rows above where I am knotting with tape, safety pins, or binder clips. Let me know if you need additional help with this! -Meghan
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Emmaez
It mostly happens when you pull your knots tight
4 years, 6 months ago by jules9331
if you use a clipboard to hold your bracelets when making them, try to move your bracelet up once you get to the point where is lifts up off the clipboard when you are making a knot. same thing applies for tape, make sure you are moving it down as you create more bracelet. if you use a safety pin or something similar try to slow down and make sure you are applying equal pressure to both sides when you make a knot. that way the knots aren’t super tight on one side and loose on the other. one other thing you could try is when you are pulling a strand up to make a knot, hold the other stands tightly down to prevent unequal pressure. i hope this helps and it doesn’t just sound like i’m rambling 😂
4 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
With certain types of bracelet where there's lots of 1 specific knot like the candystripe #1 or even the chevron #2 they have a tendency to curl.

You might also be forgetting one half of your knots. That happened to me in the very beginning. Each knot consists of two halves.
4 years, 6 months ago by dreamweavr
some patterns, like the others were saying just curl if they're all the same knot. I've never really had #2 chevrons curl but even now my candystripes still curl
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by 2006_Mandy
some patterns curl sometimes the same pattern can curl once but not curl the second time. A tip I have learned is to iron the bracelet it will straighten it out and end the curling (it may need to be done repeatively especially if you let the bracelet get wet).
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by annadf
Most patterns will have a tendency to at least not lay flat if not curl. I always run my finished bracelet under warm water and then lay it completely flat to dry. Then when you wear it it won’t curl or shrivel up on you!