basexstring alpha snapped ;-;
4 years, 8 months ago by lisadf
I'm working on an aplha bracelet but one of my base strings snapped 😐Is there something i can do to fix it or do i need to remake the whole bracelet? I hope you guys can help me |
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by poplianna
It’s just like adding a knot in string but yup will be tying on it instead I sometimes use strings I don’t need to tie with anymore because then you don’t have to tape them down but other strings work too
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by brade_b
One time my string snapped so I super glued it to the other string, because I didn’t want to tie it on because there would be a a spot where you could tell.
4 years, 8 months ago by arf820
what i would do is tape your broken string to the back of the bracelet so you can’t see it at all from the front. then take your new base string and tape it into the same position as your previous base string. and continue knotting with your leading string. once you have gotten a few rows in, you can take the tape off from the back of your bracelet. i do it this way because i find that i can’t get the knot to align correctly in the row if i replace it like i would my leading string. hope that helps! 🙂