Keeping bracelets straight?
10 years, 9 months ago by watermelon
Oops, I didn't finish the post! I pressed send by accident! Anyway what I was meant to write was how do you keep patterns straight, like the edges? Sometimes when I make a bracelet some of side go in and out at different points and it is really annoying! So, can anybody help? Thank you so much! 🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by Adik
You need to use the same tension for every knot you make 🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by SBilbrey
Also, make sure you're holding the base string (the one you're trying your knot onto) straight down. Especially the far left and far right ones on the edges. If you're not holding your base string straight down when you tie your knot, it can kinda put the knot in the wrong place and make things look wonky. And practice with your tension. Tension is the one thing that took me the longest to master. If you're tying too tight, you'll pull your edges in too much and your bracelet won't keep it's uniform, straight shape.
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by MelB
I have a question about this too. I was making a bracelet and I didn't notice that some rows weren't straight until I finished a few rows after them. Is there any way to fix the messes up rows?
10 years, 9 months ago by Margaron
'Sagging' in your rows can cause this problem too, some people say not to, but I push them up as far as I can get them so they're as close to straight as possible and I've never had problems. Also, it could be a matter of the string you're using, try and make sure that your strings are all the same weight. Using say a six strand string and three five strand strings is going to cause your bracelet to appear warped whenever you use the six strand bracelet, causing your outer edges to 'bulge'.
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by MelB
@Margaron I normally use DMC string...How can you tell whether they are six or five stranded?
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by SBilbrey
I agree with Margaron, I push all of my knots into place so that everything is as uniform as possible. I can't figure out why someone would tell you not to. You do have to do it quite gently, because I've pushed to hard and made something come out all wonky. But pushing my knots into place seemed to solve a lot of my problems.MelB: If you're buying DMC, you can check on the label and it will say "Six Stranded Embroidery Floss." DMC will always be 6 strands when you're buying it brand new. If somebody gives you floss, or you're buying a brand that isn't DMC, you can determine how many strands are in it quite easily. Take a small piece of the floss and unravel it a little bit. When you do that, it should start to look like individual pieces of thread that have been spun together. Just count how many individual threads you see. I hope that helps you guys! |
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by MelB
Thank you!
10 years, 9 months ago by Margaron
Also, the little wrappers on the skeins should tell you how many strands it is.
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by gymnast31
I also have a question, Once i was making a pretty thick candy stripe pattern, but when i was finished the whole bracelet wrapped around itself! So now its like it has a swirl in it🙁
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by HeavenSent
What I do to keep my bracelets straight and the edges and to stop it curling is hold the base strings when I tie plus every 5 rows I pull all the base strings so the bracelet will be the same tensions not too tight and not to weak.If that makes sense anyway because its kind of hard to explain. |
10 years, 9 months ago by Margaron
That's generally a tension thing, you just have to work at it and eventually it will work itself out.
Bracelet King
10 years, 8 months ago by aprow402
To pick. Out knots I use a steel crochet hook
5 years, 9 months ago by leobird12
There is a pattern with a video below it. The pattern is 23211. If you look there, you will see a video about it. 😜
5 years, 7 months ago by allbe
If you're working on a clipboard try and have it clipped pretty close to where you're knotting because then it won't twist as much.😊
5 years, 6 months ago by Kaylene