How do you do this?!?!
Bracelet King
4ย years, 6ย months ago by sourmoon
How do you make a bracelet if the top strings donโ€™t match the bottom strings??? ( i have no idea how to segment knot) i really want to me the bracelet pattern #8873 but i am having this problem!
4ย years, 6ย months ago by arf820
just go back to the beginning of the pattern! even if the colors switch thatโ€™s ok. you just have to keep in mind that the colors switch. you just have to continue repeating the pattern until your desired length
4ย years, 6ย months ago by halokiwi
If you wanted to try segment knotting this pattern would be perfect for it! If you have ever segment knotted a candystripe this pattern shouldn't be any problem for you.

The first six rows are forward knots. You start in the top right and then you knot diagonal after diagonal until you made all knots until row six.
You start with knot six in row one,
then knot five in row one, knot five in row two, knot six in row three
Then knot 4 in row 1, knot 4 row 2, knot 5 row 3, knot 5 row 4, knot 6 row 5
Knot 3 row 1, knot 3 row 2, knot 4 row 3, knot 4 row 4, knot 5 row 5, knot 5 in row 6
And so on, but you always stop in row six

Row seven to twelve is just backwards knots. You start on the left of row seven and knot diagonal after diagonal.