Need help on a pattern.
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by MelB
I'm making pattern #6568 and I'm not sure how to set the strings up. I've never made an alpha with more than 2 colors before. Can someone please tell me how I should set the strings up?
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by HeavenSent
Ok I am going to try and explain this but i am not great at explaining.You know where the blue is thats where you put 2 blue strings and the same goes for the white and red,either side where is just has black you can put any colour because it wont show. I hope that helped |
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by MelB
I understand it! Anyway, would black be considered as the background string? If so I should only use one black string?
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by HeavenSent
Yes black is the background string so you will only need one long black string.
Bracelet King
10 years, 10 months ago by MelB
Thank you so much!
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by MelB
Now I'm making pattern #9889. This one is very complicated especially to someone who has no multicolored alpha experience... anyway I need help with arranging the colors and figuring out which color would be the background string. Please help
10 years, 9 months ago by Margaron
For a bracelet like that you can choose any colour as base strings, you're not going to see them. Start with your background string and knot the pattern until you come to a new coloured knot. Take your knotting string and pull it back behind all your base strings. You're going to add a new string in now, I find it easiest to anchor my new string by tying it to my safety pin. You will now knot with this new string like it was the old background string, so make sure it's under the string you just tucked away and knot like normal. Whenever you switch colours you should make sure your new string comes behind the old, this prevents holes or gaps between your colour changes. Hope this makes sense!
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by MelB
It makes sense but I'm not sure what to do with the old background string. Do you just put it to the side instead of using it?
10 years, 9 months ago by Margaron
yes 🙂 and then when you need it again you swap the other one out and that one in.
Bracelet King
10 years, 9 months ago by MelB
Makes sense. Thank you!
10 years, 9 months ago by Margaron
No problem! Hope your bracelet turns out! 🙂