Craft Cord Snapping
4 years, 10 months ago by phatcat
I bought a new pack of craft cord about a month ago and the strings keep on snapping. I've tried not pulling the string too hard. Every single time its a few knots from snapping the 2 strings inter-wrapped together start looking like their being streched out. Is there anyway I can prevent the craft cord from snapping? I havven't made a bracelet without the craft cord snapping and my embroidey floss has never snapped.
4 years, 10 months ago by delaney__
generally, when your string snaps it's because the string is frayed. if you notice that the thread starts to split that's typically the first sign, so after that take it slower when knotting with that thread. you can also tie a small knot at the bottom of the string so it will be brought back together. also, different brands have different thread, so maybe as opposed to embroidery floss the craft cord is made poorly/differently. the good thing is, though, that if the string snap you can continue with adding another string. hope it helps 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by Someone_
I've heard a lot that craft thread/cord breaks easier, I suppose it's because it's brittle which would make it prone to breaking. With that said you really want to make sure that the thread you are using is good quality. You also want to make sure you're not tying your knots too tight, pulling your strings too hard or tying your knots too tight will make strings break.If you've experienced no problems with embroidery floss, I would go back to that. In the mean time, to prevent it the only thing you can do is ease up on your tension a little bit, and/or make the knots further up the thread so it doesn't rub as much (which causes strings to fray and then eventually snap). |