Alpha patterns
Bracelet King
11 years, 3 months ago by katfett
Im really good at simple 2 color alphas but i can't do more than two colors otherwise my bracelet comes out demented!!!!!!!! What am i doing wrong? is there a certain way to line up strings?
Bracelet King
11 years, 3 months ago by SBilbrey
Adik's multi-colored tutorial is REALLY helpful! You can also check out the video tutorial on the Beyond Bracelets youtube channel. What exactly is happening to your bracelet? If it's bunching up and starting to arc when you bring your second knotter string in, you're probably pulling the knots too tight. You have to pull tight enough so that the string is taut in the back; but not so tight that you're pulling the rest of the bracelet with it. I hope that helps!