what do you do with finished cross stitch?
Bracelet King
1 month, 2 weeks ago by leviOsa_09
so i know I've been asking a lot of cross-stitch questions lately, but i think this might be my last ones? (hopefully?)what do you guys do with finished cross stitch? i dont have the money or wall space for tons of frames, but not really sure what else i'd do with them... ive seen patches but not sure where i'd put those either... (maybe if i get like a bag or something i can put them all on there... not sure) could they be put on dowel rods? either hand sewn or a loop or something? has it been done before? okay... LAST QUESTION: where do yall get plastic aida fabric? (preferrably cheap) i got some from i think hobby lobby and it was much to big, i have to use all 6 strands for it (ill probably post a picture of what im making soon, i plan to finish it off today) thank you! (and sorry) |
Bracelet King
1 month, 2 weeks ago by itarosky
If it's a small cross-stitch like a keychain or a patch, I store them in a small transparent box.If it's relatively big, I like to put them on dowels and turn them into wall hangings. I've done this with pattern #177414 (and right now I'm working on #137523 which I'll make into a wall hanging as well). You can see some other examples among @Zhenyan 's photos. If your canvas is so big that you have to use all 6 strands, it's likely a needlepoint canvas, not specifically for cross-stitch. You need to look for those that have "count 14" or "5.5 pts" in their description. It should look like a plastic sheet with small holes, rather than a grid with big squares. I get mine from my local embroidery online store, but I think you could find a good plastic canvas on Amazon or somewhere similar. This is what mine looks like up close: https://imgur.com/FxsUqBd |