Alphas tension
4 years, 10 months ago by jennanots
Do you tend to make your alphas tighter or looser than your normal bracelets? Also do you tend to make your first alpha knots looser or tighter than the rest of the bracelet? Of the same tension?
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by Someone_
I tend to make mine looser than when I do Normal Patterns. I also tend to start my Alpha's with Triangle Ends so I do them tight, and when I start making rows for the pattern I then loosen the knots and keep to the same tension (more or less) throughout. If I am not using Triangle Ends, I make the first 2 rows slightly looser than the rest of the bracelet as these (for me) tend to be thinner rows if I don't do that.
The reason my tension slightly changes is to keep the bracelet from not widening as when I add in more colours, these knots tend to make the bracelet to widen, whether I am using the regular substitution method, or the flat technique.
There really is no 'right way' to do Alpha's, honestly. Many people use different tricks to keep their Alpha's even and straight. It's all about what suites your style of knotting, as each individual knots differently.