How you you clean bracelets? page 2
2 months ago by Frnds4eva
there’s a masha knots video about it but personally i let my bracelet soak in warm water for about a minute and then i wash it with foam hand soap and let it dry in the sun
Bracelet King
2 months ago by superme123
@Frnds4eva that's great but there's hardly any sun in the winter for me.
2 months ago by Frnds4eva
air dry it in your house then 🙂 it doesn’t have to be from the sun
Bracelet King
2 months ago by superme123
@Frnds4eva thx 🙂
Bracelet King
1 month, 1 week ago by Duesenberg
I use some cleaning vinegar/ white eating vinegar in ~1.5Liters of water.
Let the bracelet sit in there for an hour.
For dirt which by then is still stuck in between the knots,
I use a soft toothbrush, but only on the back side of the bracelet, so the side which has skin contact.
and afterwards I let them sit in the water for another 10 min, and rinse them off with cold water.

The vinegar kills bacteria and therefor the stinkyness, but at a concentration of 10%-ish vinegar in some water,
the smell will be rinsed off and dispapear ofver the corse of half a day.

Just make sure, it only contains vinegar and no bleach or something, if you use cleaning vinegar!
Better for the environment and your bracelets.

Please: 🔥 🔥 NO 🔥 🔥 Javel- Water!

And Vinegar fixes color in the fibres if the thread, so it could be ideal for you,
If you use a thread which likes to bleed colour.
Choose the water temperature according to the label on your string strands.

For DMC and Anchor, you can boil the water no problem.
For lower quality thread, iI would start out with 30°C and maybe with an old bracelet, try out my way uo to 60°C.
And then have a look, how the thread behaves.

I know DMC and Anchor thread is not cheap, where I live, it is 2.50 CHF per strand!
But sometimes, you get discounts when embroideryshoos/hobby shoos close, or on secondhand platforms.
This could be a "lower-price-entry" in quality string world.
When I started out with makingbracelets, the strand was 1.45 to 1.60...

Some bracelets, I iron them dry, but only with minimal pressure to no pressure at all!
Make sure to not leave the iron on the bracelet more than 3 to 5 seconds at a time.
3 weeks, 3 days ago by squeakers4
I wore one of my bracelets in the pool and after it dried completely it was incredibly brighter. The chlorine cleaned it pretty well. It looked new.
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 3 days ago by superme123
@squeakers4 Today my friend told me that she accidentally put the bracelet I made for her in the washing machine, and it was fine. Maybe I'll try your pool idea. Would it work in a saltwater pool?
3 weeks, 3 days ago by squeakers4
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure. It was probably the chlorine that cleaned it so if it has chlorine in it then it will probably work.
1 week, 4 days ago by chapstickz
I like to put mine in a plastic container ( or a jar) with warm
1 week, 4 days ago by chapstickz
Oops accidentally hit send before