Sewing thread for base strings in alpha patterns
4 months, 3 weeks ago by ilean
Hello! I want to make some alpha patterns but I don’t want to use my normal string for the base strings in the alpha patterns. Could I use sewing thread instead? If the string isn’t thick enough, could I twist multiple threads around and then use it for the base strings?
4 months, 3 weeks ago by halokiwi
Sewing thread might be a little thin, but you can double it or use something else like crochet thread instead. I would recommend using something thicker.
4 months, 3 weeks ago by ilean
I’ll look around and see if I have any, if not I’ll just double the sewing thread. One last question, do the thinner strings break more easily? Is that why it’s better to use thicker or is it more like it makes the bracelet design look worse? Thank you for answering me question :]!!!
4 months, 3 weeks ago by halokiwi
No, thinner base strings mean that the knots will be less wide. This will make the design appear elongated.If you use thicker base strings, the knots will be wider and more square. |