hang nails when knotting.
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by puggyz
I’ve been getting a lot of painful hangnails when I’m knotting because of the floss constantly rubbing against the tip of my finger. Is there any way to prevent this or make it a less common occurrence? I already have started moisturizing my hands everyday to make my skin less dry.
6 months, 2 weeks ago by halokiwi
Are you sure it's from making bracelets? I've injured my skin before from tying but never got a hangnail from it. The places where you could get a hangnail for me are not in contact with the string while I tie.

You could put tape or bandaids around your fingertips to protect them. You could also try to vary the way you hold your strings while tying.
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by cecibee87
I use cuticle oil on my nails/fingers and it helps a ton!
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by cecibee87
You can buy cuticle oil on Amazon
2 months ago by Frnds4eva
sorry that i’m a bit late but you can try to use rubber thimble things if that’s what it’s called. if not there the things that saved people from tetanus. but by using the rubber ones they fit on your fingers better and it will protect your cuticle area
1 month, 3 weeks ago by BraceRacer
I struggled for a little while where I was tying my knots so tight and fast that it wore away some skin on my finger creating an indentation where the string would rub across, I fixed the issue by slowing down my knotting process and watching where it rubbed and just began being more careful about how and where it rubbed which caused less friction on my fingers and the issue went away, this might be able to help you as well.
1 month, 3 weeks ago by ssha0712
Late as well but when I knot I use the base of my thumb to hook the string and loop it through. Hard to explain haha but try looping that string doing the knotting under your left pointer finger, around the base of your left thumb, while using your right hand to guide the string into the "4", then simply bring your pointer and thumb to grasp the string and pull through. This method lets me use my whole hand, and my fingers don't get hurt. Hope this helped!