teardrop loop start with the straight edge technique
6 months ago by KenzieKnot
Hey yall, I'm trying to advance my bracelets by doing the straight edge technique. I understand what to do, but I'm just confused because if I do a tear drop loop, where the heck does the "invisible" string for the straight edge technique go?! Please give me some advice, or if you know of a video that addresses this, please let me know! I have watched a few but none seem to cover the topic of the loop! |
Bracelet King
6 months ago by Arkengheis
Hi 🙂 it should go in the loop with all the other strings, being knotted over
6 months ago by halokiwi
The two strings for the straight edges technique need to be all the way on the left and all the way on the right.
6 months ago by KenzieKnot
Thank you for the responses @halokiwi and @Arkengheis ! I tried knotting over it in the loop, but then the invisible strings just ended up at the wrong spot? I even tried excluding them from the part of the loop where you use the other colours of the pattern to make the pointed end of the loop, and then it just didn't look right! I guess I'll just have to wait for someone to make a video on this lol. Until then, no straight edges for me 🤣 |
6 months ago by halokiwi
Include it in the loop like you usually would.One string should come out on the left side of the loop, the other one on the right side. When you do the shaped start afterwards, keep the string that is on the left side all the way on the left and the string that is on the right side all the way on the right. When you say teardrop loop, do you do two triangle ends afterwards or two half-triangle ends? Or do you do some other shaped start afterwards? People don't use this term consistently. |
6 months ago by str6yk1ds
The “invisible” string should be the outmost string in the teardrop loop, basically the first string you bring out. You can avoid the color showing through unless you make a one coloured teardrop loop just like how you would make a 1 colored triangle end. This video on YouTube explains how to do so pretty well:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kLkcwaTUGv8&pp=ygUUMSBjb2xvciB0cmlhbmdsZSBlbmQ%3D |
6 months ago by str6yk1ds
Sorry, *can't avoid
6 months ago by str6yk1ds
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vcAf5D1UMvQThis video is more specifically for teardrop loops. |
6 months ago by halokiwi
I think the answer by @str6yk1ds is very good 😄If you don't want to do single-coloured edges and you also don't want the straight edge string to be visible, do the following: On the left edge, do one bf knot with any of the strings that isn't the straight edge string onto all other strings on the left side. Bring out the straight edge string. After that make the left half of the v-shaped start like you usually would for the multi-coloured edge using fb knots. On the right edge you do the same, but with one fb knot and then bf knots. Alternatively you could just select a colour for the straight edge string that is already used in the pattern and then it won't be noticeable that it is the straight edge string that you made the first knot of the v-shaped start with. Oh, and another option would be to just do the first knot of the v-shaped start using the first string that isn't the straight-edge string and bringing out both the straight-edge string and that string at once. Than you have one too little knot in the beginning v, but it should be barely noticeable. |
6 months ago by KenzieKnot
@halokiwi sorry, I suppose I should have been more clear! I usually only make patterns that start off with a chevron or almost chevron row because I haven't tried to teach myself triangle starts! That's my next step! I should have some photos on my account if you want to take a look for further clarification! (I'm not very good at explaining things hahaha).@str6yk1ds thank you so much! I will check those out too! |
6 months ago by KenzieKnot
@halokiwi thank you again! I will also try that out! I guess it's just a bunch of trial and error too! I think I get too frustrated when it doesn't work out right the first time because like hello why didn't it work! 😂 😂 but I will definitely try and implement all of the advice and watch the videos! Thank you everyone for taking the time to respond! |
6 months ago by halokiwi
I looked at your profile to clear that question up for myself after asking the question. I should have probably done that before asking.Triangle ends work with the same concept btw. All shaped starts or shaped bracelets do. Currently you do v-shaped starts with two edges: \ / In a triangle start, these two edges are just switched around: / \ |
6 months ago by str6yk1ds
@halokiwi thank you so much! And @KenzieKnots of course! I really found those videos helpful when making single color loops/triangle starts <333
6 months ago by str6yk1ds
Oops sorry @KenzieKnot
5 months, 4 weeks ago by desiring_m
I use the invisible string as the string for the loop. This way I don't have to cut extra string for the loop. Of course, in that case, the "invisible" string should be in a color that works with the rest of the bracelet.