Is there other patterns that are super easy for a beginner?
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Horrorbaby
I am having trouble doing the classing diagonal friendship bracelet and braids........I even tried making an alpha and it won't stay together 😭 If anyone has easy ones I can try please tell me ❤️ |
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Night_Owl
A chevron bracelet (#2) is probably one of the easiest bracelets to make along with the candy stripe (#1). It can be tricky at first but try to look at tutorials (Masha Knots on YouTube is very good) and with enough practice it'll be a lot easier to make then over time (:
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by Horrorbaby
@Night_Owl Thank you!
7 months ago by desiring_m
There's alternating knots bracelet, which is basically candy stripe with two strings: And the chinese staircase, where you do forward knots with one string onto the rest ofcthe string: But I suggest that you give the candy stripe another try. It can take some time to really learn how the knots works, and your first few bracelets might not look that good, but repeated practice really does help. |
Bracelet King
7 months ago by Horrorbaby
Thank you for some suggestions!
7 months ago by Str1ngz
If you're still having troubles, I'd recommend watching a step by step video on tying bracelets because sometime's its something really small and simple that you're doing wrong that causes it to fall apart (not you specifically just in general). I'd recommend MashaKnots on youtube!
Bracelet King
7 months ago by Horrorbaby
@Str1ngzI have no idea if I need to do a forward and backward knot twice? Because when I do the forward knot twice, the other knot looks bigger than the first one. Even when I do a forward knot twice on the middle one. The last color is the exact same color then the first knot. (This is what happens when I do a forward knot even backwards knots.) |
7 months ago by Str1ngz
I'm not really sure what you mean, but you should be repeating every knot twice on the same string regardless of what kind of knot it is. This is to make sure it doesn't unravel and is facing the correct direction for you to make your next knot. The first knot will be smaller because the next knot builds on top of it. People normally refer to both of the knots together as a single knot because you need to do both of them together.
Bracelet King
7 months ago by Horrorbaby
@Str1ngz But when I start knotting it tells me to double knot twice each time?
7 months ago by desiring_m
@Horrorbaby You should do forward-backward knot once. Think of it like that, the base knot is wrapping one string over the other (it's called half-hitch in macrame). In forward knot, you wrap the the left string over the right string twice. In backward knot, you wrap the right string over the left string twice. In forward backward knot you wrap the left string over the right string once, and then the right string over the laft string once. With backward forward knot it's the other way around.
7 months ago by Str1ngz
Normally you only double knot once, then you move on to the next knot. Have you watched a tutorial video on it? If not, it would really help! Here's two that I have used, the first one teaches you all about bracelet making, including how to read patterns and different resources, and the second focuses specifically on the different knots. Both are by Masha Knots, she explains things very well! |
Bracelet King
7 months ago by Horrorbaby
Thank you @desiring_m and @Str1ngz