How to keep an alpha completely straight
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by BlueCat123
I’m doing alphas and sometimes they like to bend even when I’m doing the straight edge technique is really getting on my nerves they also like this sometimes curve in a bit and then back out does anyone know how to prevent bending even with the straight edge technique or is there just kind of no cure because if there is some thing out there that I could do to prevent it I would be very grateful if you can tell me ty
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by KikiLilou
If you're using the straight edge technique, I assume you're also using the flat alpha technique? If not, that's definitely something to learn that can already help!You can also try pulling your knots a little closer to each other on the colour switches so that the knots aren't apart more than your regular knots. What also helps is loosening the knot tension. If your knots aren't too tight, you can much more easily pull or push on the rows/edges if they start getting bumpy. Other than that, practice is everything! The more you do it, the better it will get 😇 |
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by BlueCat123
@KikiLilou ty very much and do you know where I can learn the flat alpha technique ?
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
Masha Knots has a video on flat alpha technique. There’s also a tutorial on braceletbook in the tutorial section. Hope this helps! 🩵
6 months, 2 weeks ago by JazzBerry
I’m having the same problem even with the flat alpha technique, and even use a ruler to push rows up and they start out straight and then get all kinds of wonky as the bracelet goes on lol. It gets on my nerves as well, especially since I’m not new to bracelet making, and have made alphas before that were nice and straight. Maybe it’s because I switched brands of string and haven’t figured out the “proper” knot tension yet?
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by KikiLilou
@JazzBerry Knotting more loosely is what helped me a lot with keeping alphas staight because it's much easier to push in or pull out the sides, rows or individual knots that way ^^I also started practicing alphas more lately and starting with smaller keychains and less colour switches has also helped a lot to build confidence which ultimately also helps with how the alphas turn out 😄 |
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by BlueCat123
@KikiLilou @Jassberry Ok ty for the advice!
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by BlueCat123
6 months, 1 week ago by JazzBerry
@KikiLilou I figured it might be a string/knot tension issue. I’ve loosened up my knots on this bracelet I started yesterday, and that seems to have helped. Thank you!