How to Segment Knot a pattern when it requires all colors to be on one side?
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by bluepika
So I started pattern #171359 tonight by making loops for all the color pairs, I made the main loop black, but then I realized in order to segment knot this pattern, I need more of one color on the same side when I start the teardrop loop and bringing over colors from the other side of the loop just makes it look messy and also feels wrong lol. Is there any way I can neatly segment knot this pattern still? Thanks everyone
7 months, 3 weeks ago by halokiwi
Instead of a teardrop loop, I'd do a loop with a triangle start after it.If you do a triangle start, you bring all strings to one point and start the bracelet from there. Then it doesn't matter that the strings are on the 'wrong' side of the loop. Alternatively you could redo the loop and make sure that the strings are on the correct side. MashaKnots has a video explaining how to make loops with odd amount of string that should work for this pattern. I think, if you want to leave the loop as it is and also do a v-shaped start afterwards (if that is what you mean by teardrop loop), it would take quite some adjusting of the pattern to get the strings to the correct place. If you really want to do this, I recommend opening the pattern generator, putting the strings in the order that they are after the loop and trying to come up with a pattern that gets the strings in the order needed again. If you want to, I can try to do that, but probably only in a few hours. |
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by bluepika
I can definitely try the triangle start instead I hadn't even thought of that. I def dont wanna make it more complicated. Thank you for your suggestions I will try them out tomorrow and I'm going to look up Masha's video too
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by feiwafeiwa
You can still do it with a teardrop loop!1. Take two strings where the two colors have to be on different sides (for that pattern it would be red and yellow). Fold one (for example, red) in half. 2. Stick the end of the other string (yellow) through the top loop of the first (red) string, pull it through, and fold that (yellow) string in half. 3. Now teardrop loop as normal! You'll get two of one color on one side and two of the second color on the other, just as the pattern requires. |
6 months, 2 weeks ago by str6yk1ds
@feiwafeiwa yes! Exactly what I thought, most people call it a linked loop I’m pretty sure. Masha Knots has a video: |
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by bluepika
Thank you all so much! I was able to succesfully follow Masha's linked loop tutorial and get them all on the sides they needed to be on
6 months, 1 week ago by halokiwi
If you tag people in your reply, they are more likely to see it btw.I'm glad you figured it out 😄 |