Tight Bracelet
Bracelet King
9 months ago by LittenGirl
I have this one Bracelet that I tied, and it won't fit over my hand. I used every single bit of the base strings, but it still won't fit. Any tips of how to stretch a bracelet?
9 months ago by onion111
If you haven't already tied it off, i think there's a way to replace the base strings if not you could maybe try steaming? or sometimes dunking it in water then leaving it to stretch? If neither of those works you might aswell just use it as a keychain or book mark
9 months ago by halokiwi
I would also recommend making the bracelet wet and then trying to stretch it.Alternatives are attaching new base strings, so you can tie it longer or using crimp ends. |
9 months ago by str6yk1ds
Yes, like the previous two replies said, I think it would be best to wet the bracelet and stretch out, leaving it to dry while it’s stretched out letting gravity pull it down. You could try the crochet method called blocking too which might work.Hope this will help!! |