#167105 loop
10 months, 3 weeks ago by emp217
Hello guys,how should I start this pattern to begin it with a beautiful loop? I think a V shape at theh beginning would make the loop too big. And a M shape would not work because it's not symmetrical. And what about the string length for the color strings? I estimate about 60 cm for 100 rows? 😘 |
10 months, 3 weeks ago by halokiwi
I'd make a slanted start with either a white or black diagonal as the start. It's like half of a triangle start.You can do a loop before that without any issues.(Check out MashaKnots' video on loops with odd amounts of strings, if you are unsure how to do it.) I'll try to calculate string length for you later, if I have the time (and motivation). It's quite a big pattern. Lots of counting... |
10 months, 3 weeks ago by emp217
Forget the counting, thanks though. 😘How can I make a loop before a slanted start? The loop would be on the left of the bracelet and not in the center. The end will be at the right. So this would look a bit weird, would'nt it? |
10 months, 3 weeks ago by halokiwi
I don't think it would look weird, because you usually don't see the whole bracelet at once and you usually where the ties on the inside of your wrist to hide them a little. At least that's what I do.If you really want to do a regular triangle start, so the loop can be in the centre, I recommend the centre knot of row four as the tip of the triangle. You can always do a symmetrical start, even if the pattern isn't symmetrical. |
10 months, 3 weeks ago by emp217
the center knot of row 4 would be a ^ shape? The center knot of row 12 would be a V shape. Or am I misunderstanding something?
10 months, 3 weeks ago by halokiwi
The first thing I'm going to do is put the pattern number here, so I don't need to copy and paste it all the time #167105I'm not sure, why row twelve and what you want to say with that. You said yourself that a v-shape in the beginning would lead to a loop that is too big, so I did not suggest it. I would start in row four with a triangle start: ^ And when the time has come, I would end the bracelet with a triangle end: v But I would recommend row eight or twentyeight for that, not row twelve. |
10 months, 3 weeks ago by emp217
ahhh, i understand! so it will be a ^ shape (triangle...yes, you name it 😂) at the beginning so I can create a smaller loop! Yes, that's what it shoud be, I think! Thanks!I have done V shapes with a loop with 20 strings and it is really big. I add buttons, so I need a 2 cm button and this is a really huge one. May look nice, but not always... |
10 months, 2 weeks ago by emp217
I looked at the pattern again and I think for a triangle start (now I know how this ^ start is called...ok I actually knew it, because at the end it's also a triangle end) row 6 (for the center knot) would be even better, because then the color zigzag starts with the first of its knot.