Wavy bracelet
11 months ago by emp217
Hi guys,what am I doing wrong that my bracelets get so wavy depending on the pattern. When there is a > < shape it happens to me that it gets wavy. Am I doing my knots too tight? First I thought it's normal, depending on the pattern. But I know that Empatheo (on YouTube) made his bracelet perfectly straight. #42894 at the end also is his photo #142842 |
11 months ago by emp217
forgot my photos: https://s20.directupload.net/images/240405/dqzk45hv.jpg https://s20.directupload.net/images/240405/b3e6a2if.jpg |
Bracelet King
11 months ago by kpn
that happens to me too sometimes! i recommend using the straight edge technique, all you need to do is add an extra string on both sides of the bracelet. then you tie extra knots so that even rows become odd and odd become even. there are plenty of good tutorials, halokiwi has posted a helpful tutorial called The Straight Edges Technique!
11 months ago by halokiwi
A friend of mine combats this by knotting row-by-row instead of segment-knotting. I think it helps, but I don't do it often enough to be entirely certain. It just takes too long for me and I get bored too fast.Apart from that, try to not pull too much into the direction you are knotting into. |
Bracelet King
11 months ago by wiland
Looking at pattern #142842, it looks to me like your knot tension isn't really a problem until you get to a specific pattern of knots on the edges. Look at the transition between the first knot on line 5 and the first knot on line 7 ... It's the same string (white on the pattern) that makes a backward knot on row 5, them a forward knot on line 7. I think you're pulling that transition too tight. Basically the first knot on line 7 is what is too tight. This also happens on the last knot on row 7 and the first and last knots on row 11. Watch for anytime your edge knots switch direction between rows with the same string. The same exact scenario is happening with the other pattern as well. As someone else mentioned, the easiest way to fix this is to use the straight edge method. My rule of thumb is if a pattern has more than one type of knot along either edge, then I switch to the straight-edge method. This is the case for most patterns, but the classic candy cane or chevron are examples of patterns that actually have the same knot type down each edge and wouldn't necessarily need the straight-edge technique applied.
11 months ago by emp217
Thanks! Which might certainly be true is that I pull really tight in the direction I am knotting to avoid strings being seen between the knots. When the same string is switching direction this also may be the case. I will take care!What I don't like is the straight edge technique in normal patterns because you really see that additional string. All the people say you don't, but you do. I just have a careful look on the result. And I don't like it when that color comes out. 😘 |
10 months, 2 weeks ago by emp217
Now I found a "knot with me" kind of video on youtube in which Empatheo is NOT segment knotting his bracelet #42894, but he knots it from the outermost string to the center like a fishbone.Do you recommend NOT to segment knot diamonds as well - like this #161420 I started #27341 and also did segment knotting (I always do...it's more logic to just follow the "logic way") and I get a little wavy edges too. |
10 months, 2 weeks ago by emp217
#11148 and with this one too - not that wavy but like an edge always is there when one section is finished. I made it before Masha had her tutorial about it, but I did it exactly the same - and her's is perfectly straight.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCxnhstpzGI&ab_channel=MashaKnots So I might be pulling too much in the direction I knot? Here is a photo of what I am talking about: https://s20.directupload.net/images/240420/7uj83zb9.jpg |
10 months, 2 weeks ago by emp217
Hm, maybe nobody saw this? Still waiting for some tips...@halokiwi |
10 months, 2 weeks ago by halokiwi
I don't think I have any additional advice apart from- knotting row by row - knotting in segments - knotting in chevrons like you suggested (faster than segment knotting) - securing the bracelet tightly while knotting, so it can't move around a lot And the question you asked before Diamonds have a tendency to widen and narrow, so if you struggle with that, don't segment knot them But it should be possible to tie neat diamonds even when segment-knotting In the end it comes down to practice and consistency |
10 months, 2 weeks ago by emp217
Thanks! 😘