holes between certain types of knots???
11 months ago by lunara
so i'm making a bracelet from normal pattern #152297, and i'm noticing that when i making forward or backward knots, there aren't any big holes between the knots, but those holes do show up when there's forward backward or backward forward knotshow fix????? |
Bracelet King
11 months ago by Hylia224
It sounds like since you're changing direction with the two halves of the knot, it throws off your tension so the first half of the knot is looser than it would be if you were doing a forward/backward knot instead. You should just make sure the first half of your knots are tighter when you do bf/fb knots and it should fix the problem.I hope this makes sense and helps! ♡ |
11 months ago by lunara
the thing is, i've tried making the first half of the knot tighter already, and the holes are still there
Bracelet King
11 months ago by AlmaLlama
Try to have the same tension of knots and the same thickness/type of thread, that could help preventing the "holes" you are describing.
Bracelet King
11 months ago by Hylia224
Then you may have to knot the strings closer together, if that makes sense. I've noticed that holes do occur when i make 1212 patterns (patterns with only bf/fb knots) but i can usually fix them with tying the strings closer together, since they usually separate a little with a fb/bf knot, and they aren't very big. I'm not sure what else could be causing the problem if its not either if those things
11 months ago by lunara
do you mean like, having the threads physically closer together when knotting? bc i tend to separate the threads i have knotted from those i haven't when working on a row
Bracelet King
11 months ago by Hylia224
Like when you knot, make sure that the thread you're knotting on gets pulled to the thread that you had previously knotted on. You shouldn't have to push then together, they should just slide closer together. They won't overlap, they'll just be pulled close to prevent holes
11 months ago by halokiwi
Try to keep tension on the string you are knotting with at all times. To me it sounds like the knot might loosen while you do the second half or just before that.
10 months, 4 weeks ago by wwwaubrey
I would try segment knotting you can search tutorial but it’s helped mine a lot