Monochromatic Bracelets
11 months, 1 week ago by uh_robertt
I would like to make bracelet #49386 with one color. I see people in the photos section have done this but I’m wondering how I can do this. If I make the bracelet using normal f / b knots wouldn’t it just all look the same? Is this a different type of macrame knotting? How do they make the rows 3D when my normal bracelets are completely flat.
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by gaily_gal
I believe the rows appear 3D because that’s the backside of the bracelet 😄

To get this effect you would just knot the bracelet according to the pattern and flip the bracelet over once you’re finished knotting
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by 2006_Mandy
the "3d" effect is just the back of the bracelet. the direction of the knots are different on the back and would be noticeable with one colour or more whereas the front of the bracelet will be the same whether or not there one colour or more
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by wiland
Ditto what everyone else said. Although the hardest part about monochrome patterned bracelets is keeping track of what string goes where, since they're all the same color. I usually use the "variation" button on the pattern so I can edit it and make each string in the pattern a different color. Then I mark the end of my strings with a colored sharpie marker corresponding to the colors in my variation.
Bracelet King
11 months ago by tamrath
Yep! It’s just the backside of the bracelet. Traditional macrame bracelets are the same knot, just flipped upside down. If you try it with one color, pretty quickly you’ll see the pattern forming on the backside. It’s cool!
11 months ago by uh_robertt
Thank you everyone for the help 🙏 😊
11 months ago by uh_robertt
@wiland How do I add more colors to the variation, the pattern only has colors a and b which are already different. Is there a way I can add colors c, d ,e and change some of the existing ones to those.
Bracelet King
11 months ago by wiland
I had that same problem for a while until I realized there was another option! 😄 So once you're in the editor, look for a link that says "interactive normal". Once you're in there then you can click on each string to change the color. Just don't forget to save it before switching between "interactive normal" and "normal" editing mode.