Single colored loop - #42894
9 months, 2 weeks ago by emp217
Hi guys,I want to make the pattern #42894 from Tomeo/Empatheo (on YouTube) and I am wondering how he did this single colored loop. I would take out the white string, then the blue, the violet ... until the beige one (H) on the left side and K, L, J, I and the four white strings on the right side and then continue with the blue line on the left. But he has the completely white loop with orange in the middle and then also continues with the blue line. I am confused... emp |
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by AlmaLlama
This video tutorial shows you how to do a single color teadrop loop:
Bracelet King
9 months, 2 weeks ago by EggMan
Looks like Empatheo himself has a video explaining it, even using the pattern you referenced. |
9 months, 2 weeks ago by emp217
Oh, indeed. Sorry for not looking first. I even was thinking that he must have done it like he does... but I was not sure and don't want to do it all wrong. 😭It feels like it takes more time (for me) to choose the strings and make the beginning as to make the whole bracelet. 😂 😂 |