4 years, 11 months ago by arf820
I usually use the flat alpha technique which works pretty well for me but I heard about another way where you cross the string in front instead of the back when changing colors. So the back side is the neat side. I’ve never tried it this way before and I want to try it. I’ve seen pictures of bracelets done this way on bracelet book and I love how it looks but I can’t find any tutorials. Do any friendship bracelet making youtubers have a tutorial on this? Or can someone further explain this technique? Thanks!
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by KikiLilou
I don't know if that's what you mean, but it's the only other technique i know about, where you have like lines in the front and the waves in the back. @Someone_ posted a link to a youtube video on another forum topic. It isn't english though:
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by Someone_
If you try out that technique, you should know that you still get the back of the bracelet to be the same as you would the regular way. Its inevitable. But yes, check out that video if you would like to try it out. As was said, its not in English, but its clear to see what they are doing and how to do it.