I finished a bracelet only to find it is far too large to fit my wrists. Help?
1 year, 1 month ago by Astronith
Finished a pattern and tried it around my wrist before adding the slide clasp thingy I do and turns out is quite a bit too large. Not so much that it falls off, but it falls down to the base of my thumb and is uncomfortable. Is there any way to salvage it as a bracelet? It's for my sister and her birthday is in 2 days so I don't have time to redo it...
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by Grenda
@Astronith Do you know the measurement of her wrist? And could you put an image of the bracelet as your profile just to make it easier to figure out the problem? Could you mention the pattern if it is a pattern on braceletbook?
Super Moderator
1 year, 1 month ago by KrazyKnotz
Would it maybe work as an ankle rather than a bracelet?
1 year, 1 month ago by Astronith
It's #152608 and I have put up a photo (:
She doesn't like anklets and I can't ask her wrist measurements cause it's a surprise haha. I was thinking I'd just give it to her as is and explain what happened if I can't figure something out. I am going to *try* to make her a bookmark too of a different album she likes since she loves to read since the bracelet was somewhat of a fail.

I should have realized it would be too long haha. I had even thought of it when I had started making it, but I've never made an alpha as a bracelet so I wasn't sure hold long was typical.
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by AlmaLlama
Tell her to use it as a bookmark! I'm sure she would love to use it if she likes reading (: