could NOT using the straight edge technique negatively affect my alphas?
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by katdog1210
Okay, so I actually like the way my bracelets look not using straight edge techniques, idk i just think the waves look cool (and that may just be cause i'm not doing it right so it looks different than other people doing it, idk) but it's come to my attention that i'm not sure if this affects the rest of the bracelet.

I don't think using the straight edge technique looks bad, it's just a preference for bracelets i make for myself

i think if not using this technique negatively affects the rest of the bracelet I could get into the habit of following the technique, i'm just not sure if that's a possibility 🙂
1 year, 3 months ago by halokiwi
I think in alphas not using the straight edges technique does not really affect the rest of the bracelet. In normals it might have a slight effect, but in alphas I think it really only has an aesthetic purpose.

That's only my opinion. Others might feel like it has a huge effect.
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by katdog1210
@halokiwi Alright, thank you for your help!
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by katdog1210
yall nevermind i just wasn't doing it right😂 i learned how to use the straight edge technique and dare i say, this is life changing😛