Starting asymmetrical normal patterns
1 year, 3 months ago by GreenGay
I want to make #158305 but I can't figure out the best way to start it. I usually prefer loops or loops w/ triangle ends but I don't think I can because the colors aren't the same when you split the pattern in half, if that makes sense. Would a slanted half triangle end work or is there a better way? Thanks for your help, I'm new to using patterns without video tutorials along with them!
1 year, 3 months ago by halokiwi
All colours have even amounts. For the ones that have more strings on one side, fold the string in half and pull a folded string from the other side through that loop.

MashaKnots' has a video on making loops with odd amounts of strings that you can check for a similar scenario.
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by sodapop
I know of two basic ways to make a loop when the colors aren't mirrored on each side. There's an even number of each color in this pattern which will make it somewhat easier.

So if you want a regular loop with a triangle start, you can just fold all the strings in half, knot and form the loop as normal, then tie it together at the bottom with a square knot. Then all the colors will just be gathered together in one bundle, so you can divide the colors according to each side and form the triangle start.

For a teardrop, you can do like halokiwi suggested. I like to print the pattern so I can draw notes, match strings and single out the ones that don't have a match. For those, you still fold in half, but the center is looped around the center of another color on the opposite side. Masha Knots has made a newer video called a Linked Loop that explains the mechanics:

Keep in mind this pattern doesn't use string equally for all the colors! It's a good idea to count all the knots for each individual string used in the pattern, and make notes before cutting.
All the Bs have 6 knots
D border- 6 knots, D zigzag- 12 knots
A on left- 6 knots each
A on right- 5, 3 and 1 respectively.
C on left- 1, 3 and 5 respectively,
C on right- 6 knots each

I haven't worked out an exact formula for length, but you can estimate that 2 D strings will have to be considerably longer than the rest. While one A and C string can be fairly short since it only uses one knot. You'll probably need to fold some of the strings in the loop way off center so that one side is longer to account for how often it's used in it's respective path, so it's definitely important to make sure you get those different lengths in the right order lol! 😅
If you don't want to mess with all those calculations, you can always add in more string like an alpha when or if needed 👍
1 year, 3 months ago by GreenGay
@sodapop Thank you so much!! this is so helpful, I really appreciate it! I'm glad I can do a loop, they're my fav.
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by sodapop
😊 You're welcome @GreenGay
Happy to help!