What do I do if the alpha's strings are an odd numer???
1 year, 5 months ago by MiaKatss
ok so what do I do if there are 14 base strings and 1 leading string? Like how do I attach the leading string???
1 year, 5 months ago by halokiwi
That really depends on what you are doing 🙂

You just attach the leading string the same way you would attach a leading string at a later point.
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by fishyknots
I just tuck the extra string behind the bracelet after I made a loop and cut it off
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by mishka0129
When I have an even number of base strings I like to follow this tutorial by Masha Knots to do the loop and add in the leading string, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sW_MjWFF58&list=PLDYMT0RS-CCBNybs3gO_tindmNc4KNstS&index=12. It involves adding an extra base string to your pattern, so I just add an extra row of the background as directed since I don't find that it changes the bracelet much and that way my leading string is secured by being a base string on the opposite side of the bracelet, through the loop, and the triangle start, rather than just being brought in as the first knot of the first row (I'm always paranoid that the first knot in an alpha will undo without something to hold it in place). I did my first patchwork alpha last week and I just don't trust that those first knots won't untie over time after I cut the strings on the back.