stiff alphas
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by lynx123
my alphas keep turning out really stiff and hard (like you can bang them on the edge of a table and it makes a sound) and I figured out that's it's because I'm using cheap thread 😂 I usually give my alphas away so I never wear them, so if anyone had this same problem do you know if they soften over time? Like, if you wear them for a while do they get less stiff?
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by Hylia224
Yes! They do soften out after a while. It's based on like a tension thing. People tend to tie alphas really tight, just so it looks nice so they end up super stiff (like I'd be surprised if somebody made one that came out already soft lol) I have an alpha that I've worn for almost a year and it's super flexible now
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by mishka0129
I find my alphas can be quite stiff also sometimes as I work on figuring out the right amount of tension in the knots, but I've found that you can also try cutting some of the really tight leading strings on the back side of the bracelet to relieve some of the tension.
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by lynx123
@Hylia224 @mishka0129 thank you!
1 year, 4 months ago by douglass85
So now I definitely feel like I'm doing something wrong, I see in all these pictures and YouTube videos that the bracelets are stiff and stand up on there own... mine do not do that. I've tried tying them tight and tried tying them loose..... I'm getting very frustrated.... I didn't used to have this issue and I'm starting to feel like it's the string I'm using... I'm starting to feel very defeated.
1 year, 4 months ago by halokiwi
@douglass85 what string are you using?

You have not posted any photos, so I can't really judge, if the floppiness of your bracelets is within normal range or what might be the issue for it, but I can tell you, that it's completely normal, that bracelets by different knotters feel different, because everyone knots a little differently.

There will always be bracelets by other people that are more or less floppy than yours. That does not mean that there is something wrong with yours or that you should change the way you make your bracelets.
1 year, 4 months ago by douglass85
I will figure out how to add pictures, but you actually helped. I'm probably being to hard on myself.... thank you 😊
1 year, 4 months ago by douglass85
Also, I use the embroidery string, but when I made them years ago and made them and was happy with them, I was using ... it's almost a branded string, they sell them in kits at Michael's and so far that's the only place I can find them.