How many bracelets did you make until you were completely improved?
1 year, 4 months ago by Lava_Lav
How many bracelets did you make until you were improved enough that stopped improving?I'm new to making bracelets. I've made two so far. The second one is way better than the first one, but I still see problems in it. My aunt has told me to make bracelets and sell her when I'm improved. I also wanna make a Keychain for my new school's locker's key so I wanna make them when I knit good enough. How long/ how many bracelets did it take for you? |
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Hylia224
I don't think you ever really stop improving. You do find what works for you, but there's always new techniques to learn. As far as waiting until you're "good enough" to make something special, I think practicing the special thing once or twice before you have a finished product is the best way to go about it. I know it kinda sounds like a waste of thread, but I promise you it's not. I started knotting in 2019 and I feel like this year and this past year I've been doing pretty great. But I also didn't knot much in 2019 after I learned and 2021 because of other interests at the time. In short, how much you knot goes into your experience, of course, but it's also a matter of changing techniques so your bracelets/keychains/etc. look better overall. I hope this helped, and don't doubt your abilities! 💛 |
1 year, 4 months ago by Lava_Lav
@Hylia224 I know. I mean knitting bracelets isn't so complicated like drawing that you keep learning, practicing, and trying new styles for years. I meant just reaching a point where you no longer make mistakes regularly
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by lynx123
I did around 10 bracelets before I felt completely comfortable with them. 😄 But everyone learns at their own pace, so don't feel bad if it takes you longer! 😄 ❤️
1 year, 4 months ago by sabwon4503
I started making bracelets in 2020 during the pandemic because i was bored lol. When I made my first one, i felt very disoriented because I thought that the strings were messy and I got very frustrated. It took me a while to get comfortable with normals and alphas, but I can still improve for sure. Maybe around 10 bracelets for normals and build your way up in thickness and colors for alphas. Maybe 20-30 alpha bracelets until you are completely comfortable with colors, straight edges, transitioning between colors, and doing starts and ends of your bracelets.
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by mishka0129
I had been knotting for years and only recently got back into it. I definitely have seen improvements since I've been back, but I don't think you ever stop learning. The biggest thing is to just keep making bracelets. For me, I still make the occasional mistake and have to untie knots or fix things, but the mistakes are also what makes it special and handmade.
1 year, 4 months ago by yuemi_62
Well, my bracelets right now still aren't perfect 🙁. My alphas got better after a LOT of trying, I just wouldn't finish them because they looked (to simply put it) horrible. I finished one alpha that was quite bumpy (even though I used the flat alpha technique) but I think it had to do with the string types. Since I used different strings, it definitely wasn't perfect. I started a few alphas recently and they look so much better. However, upon close examination and a bit of bending the knots aren't perfectly made. Overall though, I am happy with them now.For normal bracelets, I had made a few previously (maybe like 3??) but just basic ones like the candy stripe and the chevron. After my first bracelet (oh god it was a mess) I started another one of the same pattern (it was the distorted chevron) and then I made the fishbone chevron. Both had lots of mistakes (unfortunately) and weren't perfect for sure. After that I attempted the dovetail, and it turned out sooooo much better. I would say 6 was the number for me? After that my bracelets got more consistent and my knots became a lot tighter. That was around three years ago and my knotting style has changed quite a bit 😂. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Calyre
@mishka0129 : Yeah I totally agree with you. It's by making mistakes that you learn and you don't stop learning. Me too I've been making bracelets for years and I still make mistakes.