alpha straight edges!
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by unicorn170
I use the straight edge technique but I still can’t get my edges straight! If you have any advice it would help a ton! Thank you!
1 year, 6 months ago by halokiwi
Are you doing all the knots you need to do for the straight edges technique? You need to do one bf or fb knot to end a row and one bf or fb knot to start the next row. That means, you need to do two bf or fb knots right after each other.
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by 22r
It's really important to have two FB/ BF knots on the outer threads (one knot for the old row, one knot for the new). It helps me if I keep the basestring straight and under tension while I knot. (I sort of pull it towards me) All knots should also be pretty much equally tight. And I always reattach the bracelet with new tape/ to the clipboard so that only the last few rows are not taped down.
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by unicorn170
Yeah I do the bf/fb and then the two f/b knots after the other on the same string, I guess when I’m looking at them the whole bracelet curves in and out( if you look at my newest photo ) if that makes sense
1 year, 6 months ago by halokiwi
You need to do two fb or bf knots, not one fb or bf knot and then two f or b knots.Check out the second drawing in my tutorial: |
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by unicorn170
Ohhh that’s makes more sense thank you!