How will different brands affect alphas
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by fishyknots
Will there will be a super noticeable difference if I mix and match brands to produce an alpha? I’m running short on colors so the only choice I have is to use 3 different brands for my base and leading strings respectively. Will it make a difference and should I not do this?
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by IndyHaine
To be honest, I keep making alphas that don't even use the same type of string (twisted string and embroidery floss), let alone the same brand. If you just use embroidery floss, I don't think you notice anything, except if you look extremely closely or the two brands have noticably different thicknesses, which you would be able to see if you just hold them up against each other.In 90% of cases, at least in my experience, you should be completely fine. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by IndyHaine
For example, if you look at my photo for #136812 .Those are three different brands. Soledi, Optiag and the white string in it is some weird, extremely cheap string, that is also noticeably thicker than all the other strings I used. If you're fine with the subtly bigger knots you see in white areas the picture, then you're fine using even brands with different thicknesses. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by IndyHaine
Sorry for the triple post, but I just found some even better examples:On my photo for #95869 I used twisted crafting thread (anchor, I believe) and embroidery thread (Optiag) in each one of the pieces. You can see that and the crafting thread is so much thinner than the embroidery floss, that it did end up looking weird in places, so I wouldn't exactly recommend that. On my photo for #138309 the metallic string was a different brand to the blues, and the white string again was some weird off-brand thing that didn't belong to anything. I don't think there's any noticable difference there. On my photo for #119337 I used Anchor for the background and Optiag for everything else. Again, I don't think there's a difference here. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by fishyknots
@IndyHaine thank you so much! This really helped!