Not able to start pattern #148808
1 year, 9 months ago by MoraBerry
Hello everyone! I’m Mora. I wanted to start a new bracelet using the pattern #148808.

I tried to begin with a triangle end after the loop; but as the middle blue and the black are uneven strings, I can’t seem to figure it out. When I try, not all the black strings are used where I designed the “triangle” to start the bracelet. Consequently, I’m left with strings in the middle that do not belong to neither side. This also happens with some of the blue strings.

Is there a different technique that is used for starting this kind of bracelet? All help is appreciated!💕
1 year, 9 months ago by halokiwi
MashaKnots has a video on making loops with odd amounts of strings that might be useful to you
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by senor
you could do a triangle end without the loop. there’s an uneven amount of black and the medium colored blue so you can’t fold them in half. what you could do and it’s worked pretty well when i’ve done it, is to cut all your strings where you could fold it in half and make a loop, so for this pattern, if you were to start the bracelet, then you would (in theory) have a 24 string bracelet. but before making the loop, for this specific bracelet, take one string from the black and medium blue out. with these strings, if you’re using embroidery floss, you can split them. not cutting them in half tho. since embroidery floss is made with 6 individual strands, you can peel it in half, so then you’ll have 4 strings with 3 strands each. you only need two of them though for this technique. with two of the 3 strands, you can link them together by folding on in half and then feeding the other through the loop that the first one made. then you’ll have the thickness of one string for the loop but then have the two different colors in each side. masha knots has a tutorial on making what she calls “a linked loop”
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by senor here’s the linked loop tutorial
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by fishyknots
I highly recommend watching Knitty Me's video on triangle ends with odd numbers of colors, I USE THIS TECHNIQUE ALL THE TIME!