Anyone tried double base string method for alpha bracelets to make wall hanging wider?
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by dragonfrui
I was told I could double up the base string number so each time you knot around 2 strings instead of one so a knot would be wider.

An alpha bracelet knot is naturally taller than wide so maybe two stongs would combat it.
Anyone tried it? does it work?
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by rjmd17
@dragonfrui, I double my base strings for all my wallhangings! It definitely works for widening your creations. Everything I make elongates and it seems to just be the shape of my knot because I've tried adjusting my tension and it doesn't do much. Doubling the base strings still doesn't make things a perfect square, but it helps a lot! Feel free to take a look at my profile if you want!
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by oceanknot
I’ve tried it, but if I’m being completely honest, I don’t know if it makes that much of a difference. For example, I made #95370 and #66622 using the technique, and I think it helped a little, but they still turned out somewhat elongated. It may also be because I used two strands of crochet thread (thinner than embroidery thread). But I would still recommend you try it and see for yourself.
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by IndyHaine
I tried but it didn't do anything for me. I have made #143154 double, and put it next to one of the exact same size I made in single base strings and you cant see a difference. :/
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by sodapop
I've tried that, and experimented with different methods, but I haven't made any really large wall hangings to attest. The double strings were a bit of a hassle for me because I would accidentally separate them and make an extra knot, so I found that tying the doubles together at the bottom with a tiny knot helped keep them paired, but then if you make a mistake you can't just pull the base strings up through the top of the knots to undo them. I suppose doubling does essentially make it twice as thick, but I didn't notice enough difference to see the benefit of using twice as much thread as necessary.

My favorite base strings for most applications is size 3 crochet thread because it's so much thicker and heavier than floss and it doesn't tangle at all -super nice to knot around! I've also used size 10 crochet thread but it's much thinner and very "clingy." Maybe size 5 or 8 would be comparable to floss but it's not available at my local craft store. The crochet thread is much more economical too, especially if you get it on sale 😄 The only downside is how to end the wall hanging, since the thread is so thick you can't just make normal triangle ends, you'll have to try some other macrame techniques or get creative somehow.

But as far as elongated designs, if you use a straight edge, something like a ruler or credit card to push upward on each finished row of knots, that will help keep the design tight and somewhat "shortened" so your finished piece looks wider.