Any creative ways to start/end an alpha bracelet?
1 year, 11 months ago by senmou
What are your favorite techniques? I tried to start with the double triangle technique but it seems too complicated for me or the tutorial was just unclear. How do you count how many backward forward/forward backward knots do you have to do for the loop depending on the number of strings you have? Please link any fun ways you use!!
1 year, 11 months ago by halokiwi
If I do double-triangle ends with a loop, I try to have a similar amount of knots in the loop part to what I have on the part where the triangle ends form a V-shape. But honestly, how many knots you do is preference. Some people prefer bigger loops, others prefer smaller loops. It's just important that it is not too small. I can't really give you advice on what would be too small, but if you are unsure, just do some more knots in your loop.
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by marie_k
When you make a loop and a triangle start, it's important to keep in mind that the loop will completely close when you start knotting the triangle. When you start the loop, you can always test what it looks like when you close it and judge if it's too small or too big. It's a boring answer but only practice can help you "just know" how many knots you need to make. (i usually do about 14 knots in my loops, if it can help). For double triangles, you basically do a triangle on each ends of the loop and "attach" then together when you start the bracelet. IDK if someone knows a good / slow tutorial 🙈Otherwise, for the end when i make keychains i like the "macrame end" if you're willing to try 🙂 Otherwise like I said, practice helps a lot ! |