bubpie alphas
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by Conrnelia
when Iam doing alphas they get always realy bumpie in the middle. I already use always the same brand and am doing the same firmness any Ideas?
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by Someone_
If you're new to making Alpha's then they will be pretty bumpy as you add more colours (mine were a real hot mess when I first started out 😂). I found that sometimes it solves itself after a couple of rows. When I started off with them, I was forgetting to pull the string-ends on the back, after adding a colour, and that made mine way more bumpy - so if you haven't tried doing that I would recommend to. If you keep the tension right and the base-strings straight it should look better when there are more rows knotted. I know you also said that you keep to the same tension, but I would also recommend when knotting the pattern string to pull those knots tighter than the background knots, that really helps when I do mine to make the bracelet turn out straight. |
5 years ago by Zanatary
Theres a technique you can try to keep them flat, masha knots on youtube recently made a video about it
5 years ago by cgrace270
Here’s the link to the MashaKnots video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_YVFAX9sacw
5 years ago by cgrace270
I’ve recently started using this method, and while I’m not a pro at it (yet) it makes a huge difference. This matched with the straight edge technique (which she also has a video on) will help get rid of the bumpiness!
5 years ago by javret
it took me three or four alphas to get them flat! Masha Knot's video helped a lot but it also came down to practice. 😄